What way should I choose React Native or Flutter

What way should I choose React Native or Flutter

In this blog, we will discuss two top-rank frameworks i.e. React Native and Flutter. Earlier we needed time, money, and skills to develop cross-platform applications. But nowadays companies need the fastest way to develop native apps. To develop native apps, we must know JAVA for android and SWIFT for ios which waste our time. React native and flutter give us the advantage to write a single code and deploy it to various platforms.


From a single codebase in a flutter, we create natively-compiled apps for mobile and desktop. Google has recently developed cross-platform mobile app development. Dart is the programming language used by flutter. It enables the creation of expressive and flexible user interfaces with native performance.

What way should I choose React Native or Flutter React Native:

React Native is an open-source framework developed by Facebook and it runs on javascript. The main focus of this framework is the native application rendering that is primarily compatible with Android and iOS. React native is based upon React JS which is a factor of native code.

What way should I choose React Native or Flutter

Programming Language Difference:

React Native:

React native uses javascript. It is easier for developers to move on to react-native because of javascript as compared to dart.


Flutter uses dart language. It is just like the C language/JAVA. Dart is not used much nowadays. It supports object-oriented programming like abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance. Dart bridge is larger but it runs faster as compared to javascript bridge.

Advantages of React Native:

1. Changes Are Visible Immediately:

React native uses hot reloading or live reloading. When a user makes any changes in the code, changes will be visible to the developer immediately which is the main advantage to seeing the real-time changes in the application.

2. Adding to an Existing App:

If we already have an app and we want to improve that app. We don’t need to re-create that app. By using React Native, we can add components that we had to create in our app. It saves our time and money.

3. Flexibility:

React-native makes it easy for developers to pick up where someone left the work and start coding. It increases the flexibility of developers and improves the performance of mobile applications.

4. Support 3rd Party libraries:

React native allows using 3rd party libraries using a native module and javascript module. If you want to add dynamic charts in react native apps, you can easily add them in your application using 3rd party libraries.

Disadvantages of React Native:

1. Takes longer time to get started:

React native takes a long time to initialize the app because of the javascript thread. Any kind of user interaction like events, API response. The longer the API response, it will block the user thread and slow the performance of mobile applications.

2. It is insecure in terms of security:

React native creates a vulnerability in the security of the system. If you are creating finance and banking apps you don’t need to choose to react-native because for the banking app the data is confidential and we need security for confidential data.

3. It’s a Difficult Task to Learn the React Native:

If you are a newcomer in the field of development then it will be hard to learn to react-native because of JSX. JSX contains Html with javascript. In comparison to other cross-platform apps, it will be difficult for the ordinary student to learn to react-native.

Advantages of flutter:

1. Fast Reloading:

Flutter provides fast reloading after changes are made in the application.

2. Open source:

Flutter is open-source and free to use. They provide substantial documentation and a large community that helps you to solve any problem you might run into.

3. Productivity is high:

You may utilize the same code base for your iOS and Android apps because Flutter is cross-platform. This will undoubtedly save you time and money.

4. Compatibility:

Since widgets are the part of flutter app. That’s why we will experience fewer compatibility issues on different operating systems which saves time.

Disadvantages of Flutter:

1. Not suitable for web apps:

Browsers do not currently support Flutter-based applications. This implies you won’t be able to use any web applications. It also does not support watchOS and tvOS.

2. It’s a Difficult Task to Learn the Dart:

Dart is a lesser-known programming language, yet it is necessary to master it to work with Flutter.

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