Clypr, is a B2B web application designed to give barbers of a state, a single platform to grow virtually. It enables customers, and shop owners to place instant appointments and reservations.

The idea behind Clypr was to make flexible accessibility of services to the client and availability of jobs for barbers, especially in the covid-19 quarantine phase.

Clypr wanted to unite the Shop Owners who need to appoint barbers, the Barbers who are in need of jobs, and the Customers who needed to get services from barbers, on a single platform to be able to functionally interact.


Our team developed a core platform as per the requirement of users, from the dashboard for the shop owners to remain updated, to mobile application for the barbers to be aware of their next appointment, and a web application to cater to the need of customers through online booking and getting notified regarding their acceptance or declination of the appointment.
clypr mobile app screen
clypr mobile app screen

Clypr Coming To Life:

It took about 6 months to bring clipper into life, which included an admin panel, customer booking interface, user interface, web app interface, and the dashboard, all of which are desktop and mobile-friendly.

Clypr wanted not just this application to be user-friendly, but also for their barbers to get as many appointments as possible.

After the whole process of brainstorming it was decided to bring barbers and users, both on a single platform and to get the payment done online through customized algorithms by the use of stripe, on the basis of appointment and required services of the customer.

The system was designed and programmed in a way that it learned and attuned itself to customers’ preferences after 6-month use. The flow of this app and the customer’s satisfactory experience were looked after.

Who Pulled It Off:

The secret to each of our successful projects is our expert teams of developers who put in their 100% to bring about the best in every project. Understanding, brainstorming, and coordination with each other are the vitals of our team.


Clypr’s partnership with Zenkoders goes beyond engineering and e-commerce development. It made us form lifetime partnerships and understanding with the client on such successful projects.
clypr mobile app screen

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