Magic tv box

Magic tv box is a video streaming Mobile Application. It is a B2C app that enables its users to view multiple categories of live and recorded video sessions globally.
The client looked forward to hands-on towards a company that is able to develop a live video streaming platform and therefore reached out to Zenkoders with their idea.
magic tv box mobile app
Our client wanted to provide his customers with a digital platform where the users can entertain themselves and the people around them. And to create a solution where its viewers can watch their preferred videos online as well as offline.


Our client’s idea was processed into reality by our proficient team of developers. After weeks of brainstorming and ideas-driven together, Zenkoders came up with a solution to create Magic Tv Box; on Android and IOS platforms that caters viewers worldwide, with ease.

The magic tv box consists of a single user interface and this app is designed using React Native and handled with Php and SQL database for the backend.

Creating The Magic Into Reality:

magic tv box mobile app
magic tv box mobile app

Flow In The Magic Tv Box:

This app consists of 2 user-friendly flow systems:

Displaying The Magic:

The Impact:

The success of every work lies in its scalability. And with pride, Zenkoders is overwhelmed to declare that Magic Tv Box has 200k+ active users currently, out of which mostly are Arab based. This app did not only allow us to stretch our skill level but also enabled our client to boost his desired business in the best way possible.
magic tv box mobile app

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