Party-live is a reservation app, which came to us with several technical issues and needed the expertise of our development team to cater those issues and to grow this business globally through creating events and providing services.
party live mobile app
Part-live is a platform created by our developers that is easily accessible not just for the user for creating their events but also for the business owners and artists. It is a platform, which can provide 3 user interfaces all at once.

Overcoming The Obstacles:

This high-tech project was completed within 4-6 months by our team, consisting of 3 user interfaces.
The Party Live Mobile consists of an IOS/ANDROID platform, developed by using React Native and an admin panel is designed on React Language, through which our client has all the access to see the bookings, payment, and numbers of orders completed.
party live mobile app
party live mobile app

Boosting Businesses Through Party Live:

When a standard user attempts to create his event, he chooses his particular type after undergoing a variety of categories of events. Based on his chosen venue and services, a digital calendar is displayed on the app showing available timings and dates to book according to his preference. When the venue and services are booked, a request is sent to the business and artist user, having an option of accepting or declining those requests. And once the request is accepted, the user is asked to pay for creating his event.


Zenkoders along with his team was able to create a game-changing solution for growing businesses globally. Catering with such challenging projects, helps us foster our own potential along with massive success through raising a new bar high each time.

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